Wednesday, November 7, 2007

So what did you do this weekend?

See the full slide show here.

I went to Charleston SC for my friends Rachel & Mike's wedding. It was an epic adventure for me and "The Gent." 15 hours there. 15 hours back. Easily one of the best road trips I have ever been on. It was great to get out and see the landscape of our beautiful country. Especially since the mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina were in the midst of their autumn colour changes. Beautiful reds, oranges and yellows running up and down the mountains as far as the eye can see. Accompanied by Maxine our trusty GPS device we navigated our way down from the chill of Chicago to the bright warm sun and 70+ degree weather of Charleston. The city of Charleston was amazing. Such a wonderful old historic town, with cobblestone streets that were lit by gas light in the evenings. Wandering around the historic district led us to discover houses and grave yards that had been in existence since the late 1700's. Every church had a small grave yard it seamed.

In our two days there me and "The Gent" had a chance to explore much of Charleston and even made some friends with a few "Good Olde Boys" from Charleston named Lawrence, Tommy and Max (aka Otis) and the beautiful Maxine. (Sadly no photographic evidence of this encounter.) We rode in "Big Foot" a pickup truck owned by Lawrence. This truck was FREAKING HUGE! We even got invited to got hunting at one of their plantations. Expect the "Good Olde Boys" to make a visit to the windy city. (Might be a good time to take some out of town vacation. These boys are pretty freaking crazy.)

Rachel's wedding was perfect. She looked gorgeous. Michael looked handsome. They looked absolutely happy. The wedding took place at a beautiful old mansion in the heart of the historic district called the William Aiken House. The weather was perfect. Me and the gent managed to make a few friends that evening as well. Pretty much everyone we meet was so nice. However, our closest bond was with Lori and Collin. A couple that we were seated with at the rehearsal dinner. Collin was in the bridal party and sort of looks like Jack Black. Lori was one of the coolest gals I've meet in awhile.

Some Random Thoughts Collected During the Trip

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