Thursday, March 13, 2008

BufBloPoFo Day 13

BufBloPoFo Topic for Day 13: When the writer’s return kicks back in and all the good TV comes back, what’s your viewing list going to be?

This is a fun topic.  Now I don't really watch a lot of TV normally as I would rather be blowing things up on the internet.   However, there are a few shows that I do make time in my schedule for.  (That sounds really snobby, but it's not.  I don't have cable in my apartment so I only really watch TV at friend's houses.)   I think the show I am the most excited about would have to be "How I Meet Your Mother."   This is my favourite show on TV right now.  The 3rd season has been a bit off the pace of the 1st two, but I am hoping for a strong rebound.  I seriously think this is so funny.  I would highly recommend the getting the first two seasons on DVD.   The other show that I am really looking forward to returning is "Heroes".  However, I think that will be a bit of a wait because I think they showed all the episodes they had filmed.  I also will welcome back "The Big Bang Theory".   It made me laugh consistently during it's first run so I hope it continues to do so.

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